I have played for a long time and now i am selling some of the stuff i collected. I have a good selection of weapons, lots of fixers some legacy and all around good rolls.
Selling Summary
AMZING VEG GatlingPlasma
AAE50 Laser rifle PEW
The OG fixer B2525
B2525 Pepper Shaker
BE3p 💥Ultra Gatling L
AAE15vcc Pepper Shaker
QE15fr Dragon
LEGACY TSEfms 419 Dragon
ME90 Pepper Shaker
BEG Cryolator
TSE*3E Gaussrifle
BE+3A Flamer
TSE90 Ultracite Laser
TSE15fr Plasma rifle
AA2525 Disintegrator
Weapon | Quad50Crit25 Cryolator
B50c25 Pepper Shaker
TSEfmswa Flamer
Q2525 Holy Fire
Q50C15vcc Railway