Buying and selling things here and there.
Selling Summary
Pink Sacred Piercer | Swordburst 2
Infernum Loricam | Swordburst 2
Positive Shield | Swordburst 2
Azure Starlight | Swordburst 2
Purple/Golden/Pink Sacred Piercer
Purple Sacred Piercer | Swordburst 2
Golden Sacred Piercer | Swordburst 2
Vanquished Tunic | Swordburst 2
Sakura Beach 2
Rapture | Swordburst 2
Exodus | Swordburst 2
Judgement | Swordburst 2
Laevateinn | Swordburst 2
Crownsguard Fatigues | Swordburst 2
Geryon | Swordburst 2
Techanicality + Kurenai
Negative Suit (Recipe)