You Don't Know Jack TELEVISION - Steam - Instant Delivery

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No, this is not a video of the YDKJ TV show that aired on ABC in 2001. It’s the YDKJ PC game with trivia all about TV shows! Fans of host Josh "Schmitty" Schmitstinstein will love this walk down boob-tube memory lane.
If you thought all those hours of watching TV were good for nothing, then YOU DON’T KNOW JACK… Television! With more categories than your local cable provider, YOU DON’T KNOW JACK Television spans over 50 years of boob-tube trivia, from Ralph Kramden to the guy on “King of Queens” who looks like Ralph Kramden. So set down the remote and put your recliner in the upright and locked position… it’s YOU DON’T KNOW JACK Television!
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