Game Itemx3 Mods Boxes in list: [Explosive, Arms Keeper's, Sentinel's, Bloodied, Quad, Unyielding, Intelligence]
x3 Mods Boxes in list: [Explosive, Arms Keeper's, Sentinel's, Bloodied, Quad, Unyielding, Intelligence]

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1 unit = 3 mod in List!
When buying 3 mods
Attention, before purchasing please check the availability of the mods you want to buy!
Armor/Power Armor Mod Boxes:
★Bolsering [Armor/PA]
★Overeater's [Armor/PA]
★Unyielding [Armor/PA]
★Vanguard's [Armor/PA]
★★★Arms Keeper's
★★★Cavalier's [Armor/PA/Melee]
★★★Defender's [Armor/PA/Melee]
★★★Durability [Armor/PA][Weapon]
★★★Secret Agent's [Armor]
Weapon Mod Boxes:
★Two Shot
★★Heavy Hitter's[Melee]
★★★V.A.T.S. Oprimized
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