new 4 star raid mod legendary x1 mod choise

$1.98 USD
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1 month ago

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Fallout 76
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Pick one 4 Star Legendary Mod:

Battle-Loaders: 15% chance to instantly reload when bashing enemies (up to 75% chance on full stack)

Bruiser’s: melee weapons deal +5% bonus damage (up to +25% on full stack)

Bully’s: when attacking outside of VATS, deal +50& bonus weak point damage

Choo-Choo’s: 10% chance for 500 damage & "Bloody Mess" when sprinting into targets (up to 50% chance on full stacks)

Combo-Breakers: when dealing damage, 50% chance to not use AP (10% chance for auto melee weapons)

Conductor's: critical hits fully restore AP & Health

Electrician’s: When Reloading, Emit a Shock Wave That Stuns Nearby Targets for 3s

Encircler’s: the greater the number of combat targets around you, the greater your damage output

Fencer’s: +10% melee damage when 1 or more teammates are nearby (up to 40% on full team)

Fracturer’s: when crippling limbs, they explode and deal up to 150 explosion damage to nearby targets

Icemen’s: applies cryo on hit that slow targets when dealing damage in VATS

Limit-Breaking: each worn armor piece reduces cost of critical hits by -10% (up to -50% on full stack)

Miasma’s: when hit, poisonous DoT cloud harms nearby targets for 10s (DoT damage increases per equipped piece)

Molerat’s: hp regenerates while in interiors (1pt per second) (up to 5pts per second on full stack)

Pin-Pointer’s: +50% Damage When Targeting Enemy Appendages (i.e. Arms, Legs)

Pounder’s: +10% damage after each consecutive melee hit on the same combat target (up to +100%)

Propelling: movement and sprint speed increased by +5% (up to +25% on full stacks)

Pyromaniac’s: when a target is burning, deal +50% bonus damage

Radioactive-Powered: gain +2 AP at the cost of RADS (up to +10 ap on full stack)

Runner’s: ap sprinting cost reduced by -20% whilst outdoors (up to 100% on full stack)

Sawbone’s: Health Regenerates Slowly (+1 Health per second) (up to +5 Health per second of Full Stack)

Scanner’s: AP cost of VATS attacks reduced by -10% (up to -50% on full stacks)

Slayer’s: +50% damage against legendary and raid combatants

Stabilizer's: Improves Weapon Recoil & Stability by +50%

Stalwart’s: +50 dmg& eng resist to user & all teammates withing a 50m radius (up to +250 on full stack)

Tanky’s: standing still nullifies ballistic damage by -15% for 10s (20s cooldown) (up to -75% on full stack)

Viper’s: when a combat target is poisoned, deal +50% bonus damage

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