Muscle Legends Bundle

$5.50 USD
Coordinated Transfer
Coordinated Transfer

3 months ago

Game Item
Ninja Legends
Delivery method
Coordinated transfer 
Seller sends in
1 day(s) 
Region restriction
None / Global
No returns. View our return policy.
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Buying this bundle will get you 3 each of:

Screaming Bones

Golden Warrior


Cool Guy Larry

Darkstar Hunter

How will you get this item delivered too you?

1: Once you bought this send me your Roblox username in messages

2: I will send you a friend request on Roblox and you will accept my friend request

3: Once added you will join me in muscle legends and I’ll trade you the pets listed above (3 of each pet)

All of these pets are level 20 and evolved!


Ignore this

Golden warrior, muscle king aura, muscle legends, Larry, Hank, screaming bones, darkstar hunter, bundle, ninja legends

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