Assortment of Mods 1-4*

3 months ago

This Listing Is for an Assortment of Legendary Mods Ranging From ⭐️-⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ And Includes The Following Mods:
x2 Anti Armor
x3 Aristocrat’s
x5 Assassin’s
x1 Auto Stim
x5 Chameleon
x3 Cloaking
x5 Furious
x4 Ghoul Slayer’s
x3 Gourmand’s
x3 Hunter’s
x5 Instigating
x5 Juggernaut’s
x5 Junkie’s
x1 Life Saving
x4 Medic’s
x10 Mutant Slayer’s
x9 Mutant’s
x3 Nocturnal
x1 Overeater’s
x1 Regenerating
x1 Stalker’s
x1 Vampires
x1 Vanguard’s
x3 Weightless
x9 Zealot’s
x3 Agility
x2 Charisma
x9 Crippling
x2 Fireproof
x4 Glutton
x3 Hardy
x2 Heavy Hitter’s
x3 Inertial
x2 Lash Shot
x3 Luck
x2 Rapid
x2 Riposting
x1 Steady
x1 Strength
x1 Vats Enhanced
x2 Vital
x3 Warming
x8 Agility
x2 Burning
X1 Cavalier’s
x2 Charisma
x7 Defender’s
x3 Durability
X4 Endurance
x2 Lightweight
x4 Lucky
x1 Nimble
x1 Perception
x2 Resilient
x3 Strength
x1 Swift
x2 Vats Optimized
x1 Choo Choo’s
x1 Fracturer’s
x1 Icemen’s
x2 Polished
x1 Propelling
x1 Runner’s
x1 Tanky
Includes a Bonus Gift of:
100 Leaders + 100 Berry Mentats 🫶🏼
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