AK-47 | Hydroponic (Field-Tested)

1 year ago

Name Tag: ''AK-47 | Smoke Weed''
Exterior: Field-Tested
Powerful and reliable, the AK-47 is one of the most popular assault rifles in the world. It is most deadly in short, controlled bursts of fire. It has been painted with a bamboo motif using metallic paints.
Notice how Gunsmith Yukako used the wood of the AK-47 to accentuate her verdant theme... make no mistake: Hydroponic is as beautiful and deadly as nature itself - Imogen, Arms Dealer In Training
The Rising Sun Collection
Type: Rifle, Weapon: AK-47, Collection: The Rising Sun Collection, Category: Normal, Quality: Classified, Exterior: Field-Tested
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Sticker: Drug War Veteran
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