Always willing to bundle and cut deals. Can also mod purchased items if necessary. Feel free to ask.
Selling Summary
100 Perfectly Preserved Pie
100 Deathclaw Eggs
TSE25 Radium Rifle
QE15 Elder's Mark
QE15 Combat Shotgun
QE15 Fixer
Q5025 10mm Pistol
BE15 50 Cal. Machine Gun
AA2590 Ultracite Gatling Laser
B5025 Fixer
Vanguards Excavator WWR
BE15 Fixer
AA5025 Fixer
AA5025 Radium Rifle
Bolstering WWR Excavator
Q2525 Submachine Gun
TS2525 Fixer
TSE25 Fixer
V5025 Fixer
Q5025 Submachine Gun
PSA Ultracite Set
ESA Ultracite PA Set
1000 Berry Mentats
250 Salt