Get the item as described or your money back.
Need a quick start on your new save? We got you covered! This starter bundle contains all you need to boost your game without hurting the gameplay at all. Enjoy the game with a quick boost!
What is included?
5 Billion Units
75,000 Nanites
300 Salvaged Data
150 Exosuit Expansion Units (Allows to expand the Exosuit Storage)
150 Storage Augmentations (Allows to expand starship inventory)
200 Navigation Data
100,000 Carbon
100,000 Oxygen
100,000 Sodium
100,000 Cobalt
100,000 Di-Hydrogen
100,000 Ferrite Dust
100,000 Copper
50,000 Uranium
How to get the Items?
We will join the same Multiplayer game and meet at the space station. I will need your friend code to join you.
I will send you AI Valves. These are the most expensive item in the game and worth 50 Million each.
They stack to 50. Sell them to get the Units.
I will also send some upgrade modules which you can sell to get Nanites.
How to get the Friend Code?
When you launch the game go to Multiplayer -> Show My No Man's Sky Friend Code
Do I get anything else other than the items included in the bundle?
Whatever you need! Just ask!
If you have any questions please send me a message. Check out my store for more items!
Availability: 8 am UTC - 11pm UTC
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