Soup Buff Bundle

$12.50 USD
Coordinated Transfer
Coordinated Transfer

2 months ago

Game Item
Fallout 76
Xbox one
Delivery method
Coordinated transfer 
Seller sends in
3 day(s) 
Region restriction
None / Global
No returns. View our return policy.
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Type: Aid

Soup/Aid bundle

- [ ] Brain fungus X16

- [ ] Blight soup X15

- [ ] Brain fungus soup x13

- [ ] Cave fungus soup X11

- [ ] Cave fungus x15

- [ ] Firecap x17

- [ ] Firecap tasty soufflé x19

- [ ] Glowing fungus soup x16

- [ ] Glowing resin x13

- [ ] Glowing fungus x19

- [ ] Glowing fungus puree X7

- [ ] Gut shroom soup X 16

- [ ] Gut shroom x22

- [ ] Megasloth mushroom x21

- [ ] Mutfruit x18

- [ ] Megasloth mushroom soup x8

- [ ] Mutfruit juice X15

- [ ] Razor grain flour X16

- [ ] Simple gut shroom tea X20

- [ ] Silt bean puree X14

- [ ] Snap tail reed X17

- [ ] Silt bean soup x14

- [ ] Syrup x11

- [ ] Swamp plant C26

- [ ] Sweet tato stew X25

- [ ] Vegetable medley soup x22

- [ ] Mothman eggs x100

Will be 90+% durability at delivery

Xp buff, energy resistance buff, damage resistance buff, crit damage buff, intelligence buff, poison resistance buff, radiation resistance buff, AP buff, agility buff, endurance buff,

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