Resource Camp
$30.00 USD

Coordinated Transfer
3 months ago

Game Item
Fallout 76
Playstation 4
Delivery method
Coordinated transfer
Seller sends in
1 day(s)
Region restriction
None / Global
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You do not need to own these items in order to receive this camp, that's my job.
20x Butterfly Sanctuary
20x Nodding Donkey
50x Armco Ammo Factory
30x Canned Coffee Machine
4x Motorized Butter Churn
11x Pemmican Collector
11x Nuka Cola Candy Machine
11x Cookie Jar
2x Birthday Cake
2x Deathclaw Slow Roaster
2x Mirelurk Steamer
5x Company Tea
Military Cryo Freezer
Weenie Wagon
Weight Bench
Exercise Bike
Ammo Converter
4x Del Lawson Camp Ally
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