Maxi Plan Bundle

2 months ago

Type: Plan
Maxi Plans Bundle include more then 120 different plan from the list :
-All 5 Backpack Mods
-All 19 Serum Recipe
-All 38 Prime Receiver
-Fixer Plan and Bear Plan & Heavy Mod
-Stimpak Diffuser and Radioactiove Barrel
-BlueRidge Backpack Skin & Flag
-Safari Gorilla Backpack Skin
-T45 Power Armor Plans
-T51 Power Armor Plans
-Raider Power Armor Plans
-Dense Torso Mod for Combat, Leather, Robot, Raider and Metal Armor
-Heavy Combat, Metal, Raider and Robot, Legs & Torso Plan
-Sturdy Combat, Metal, Raider and Robot, Legs & Torso Plan
-Light Combat, Metal, Raider and Robot, Legs & Torso Plan
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