Jurassic World Evolution: Herbivore Dinosaur Pack

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Jurassic World Evolution: Herbivore Dinosaur Pack - Increase the diversity of your park with the addition of three new distinct herbivores.
The Jurassic World Evolution: Herbivore Dinosaur Pack adds three unique sociable plant eaters that are a great addition to any vibrant park.
Homalocephale: With a name that means ‘even head’, Homalocephale sports a flat, thickened, wedge-shaped skull used as a tool for head-butting.
Dryosaurus: Preferring forested habitats, Dryosaurus rely on their speed and dexterity. They use their stiff tail while running as a counterbalance.
Nigersaurus: One of the smallest Sauropods, they measure around 9 meters long. Despite their long neck, Nigersaurs are grazers, feeding from plants close to the ground.
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