Hocus Pocus | HD | Google Play
$1.99 USD

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Release on 1993-07-16
After 300 years of slumber, three sister witches are accidentally resurrected in Salem on Halloween night, and it us up to three kids and their newfound feline friend to put an end to the witches' reign of terror once and for all.
Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus
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