Code | Batman Who Laughs

3 years ago

Code | Batman Who Laughs
Code - DC X Fortnite Foundation - Batman Who Laughs
*The Batman Who Laughs Skin;
*Back Bling;
*Loading Screen.
To redeem your bonus digital item code, follow these steps:
2. Select Your Preferred Platform or "Sign In With Epic Games" if you already have an Epic Account
a. Verify that you are logged into the correct account
b. You should see a Display Name in the upper right corner of the screen
3. Enter or Copy/Paste the code as is into the "Enter Access Code" text field
4. Select "REDEEM"
5. Verify the item you are redeeming and select "ACTIVATE"
6. Launch Fortnite with the same Epic account
7. Select Battle Royale
8. Upon loading in, you will receive a gift box showing your unlocked cosmetics. You can select EQUIP or CLAIM to close. Cosmetics will then be available in your Locker.
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