all 50 cal machine gun any x3 list

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all 50 cal machine gun any x3 list
50 Cal Vampires Explosive 90% Weight reduce (V/E/90)
50 Cal Vampires Explosive 15% Reload faster (V/E/15R)
50 Cal Vampires Fast Fire Rate 90% Weight reduce (V/FFR/90)
50 Cal Vampires Fast Fire Rate 15% Reload faster (V/FFR/15R)
50 Cal Two-Shot Explosive 90% Weight reduce (TS/E/90)
50 Cal Two-Shot Explosive 15% Reload faster (TS/E/15R)
50 Cal Two-Shot Fast Fire Rate 90% Weight reduce (TS/FFR/90)
50 Cal Two-Shot Fast Fire Rate 15% Reload faster (TS/FFR/15R)
50 Cal Bloodied Explosive 90% Weight reduce (B/E/90)
50 Cal Bloodied Explosive 15% Reload faster (B/E/15R)
50 Cal Bloodied Fast Fire Rate 90% Weight reduce (B/FFR/90)
50 Cal Bloodied Fast Fire Rate 15% Reload faster (B/FFR/15R)
50 Cal Anti-Armor Explosive 90% Weight reduce (AA/E/90)
50 Cal Anti-Armor Explosive 15% Reload faster (AA/E/15R)
50 Cal Anti-Armor Fast Fire Rate 90% Weight reduce (AA/FFR/90)
50 Cal Anti-Armor Fast Fire Rate 15% Reload faster (AA/FFR/15R)
50 Cal Quad Explosive 90% Weight reduce (Q/E/90)
50 Cal Quad Explosive 15% Reload faster (Q/E/15R)
50 Cal Quad Fast Fire Rate 90% Weight reduce (Q/FFR/90)
50 Cal Quad Fast Fire Rate 15% Reload faster (Q/FFR/15R)
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