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Carry to GC + Rewards (Play w/ you)

1 Completed

I've been grand champion several seasons and I'm willing to carry you through the ranks. I can definitely guarantee you champ rewards if you are anything beneath a champ player. If you are indeed at champ skill level, carrying you to GC and rewards shouldn't be a problem.

Lastly, I do this on US-West servers only and only in 2s.

If you'd like a custom offer/package, DM me about it first.

Grand Champion
Diamond Rewards
Regardless of your rank, we will get you to Diamond and will get you your rewards. After completion, we will continue until next loss or until you have to go.
120 minutes session | 1 day delivery
Champion Rewards
If you are of the Diamond Rank, you will be carried to Champion and Rewards. Purchase with this in-mind, otherwise you won't get rewards and we will just play until the timer runs out. After completion, we will continue until next loss or until you have to go.
120 minutes session | 1 day delivery
Grand Champion Rewards
Only for people who are of champion SKILL LEVEL or higher. Just because you are in champ, doesn't make you champ. Purchase with this in-mind, otherwise you won't get rewards and we will just play until the timer runs out. After completion, we will continue until next loss or until you have to go.
120 minutes session | 3 days delivery