20 Best Minecraft Seeds 2024 (1.21)

20 Best Minecraft Seeds 2024 (1.21)

Alice ChambersAlice ChambersPC | Minecraft
202418 minute read

Minecraft is still going strong in 2024, and the latest updates that arrived this summer have made the current 1.21 version more exciting than ever. There are beautiful new biomes to explore, new monsters to threaten you, and better ways to build your own base. Of course, it all starts with a world. Newcomers to the game might be happy to keep pressing the randomize button until they stumble across something great. Experienced Minecraft players know it’s faster to search for existing seeds that match their preferred playstyle, whether that’s survival, building, or just plain adventure.

These 20 seeds are some of the most impressive and fun worlds you’ll find available for this version of Minecraft. They also work with the Bedrock edition, although there may be some slight differences. GameFlip makes it easy to make the most of every minute in the game by providing you with great deals on all the editions of it.

New features and biomes for the 1.21 update to Minecraft include:

  • The Maple Forest Biome

  • The Cherry Grove Biome

  • Trial Chambers, a new underground structure ripe for adventure

  • Buried Ancient Cities complete with threatening Wardens

  • The Breeze and Bogged mobs

  • An Archeology system that allows you to create pottery from shards you dig up.

Explore these seeds for all new adventures and plenty of fun with friends.

What Are Minecraft Seeds?

The best Minecraft seeds 2024 has to offer work the same way they always have. These random-seeming codes tell the world generation system what to create, allowing you to enjoy the same biomes and structures as anyone else using the same seed. However, the Java and Bedrock versions generate worlds slightly differently, even from the same seed. You may have to experiment and explore a little more to find all of the features listed for each seed. These seeds have all been tested in Java, but they’ll also work in Bedrock.

How to Use Minecraft Seeds

There are places to insert cool Minecraft seeds during the world creation stages of both the Bedrock and Java editions of Minecraft. Start out by copying your seed code or number down clearly, including a minus sign at the start if it’s included.

For Java Edition:

  • Open the Minecraft game. Click on the “Create New World” button.

  • Click on the “More World Options” button towards the bottom of the screen.

  • Look for a box near the top labeled “Seed for World Generation”. Copy and paste or type out your seed code there. Set any other configurations for the world, then click “Create New World” to generate a world based on the best Minecraft seeds.

For Bedrock Edition:

  • Open the Minecraft game. Click on the “Create New World” button.

  • Scroll down. Look for a box labeled “Seed”, under World Type and above the Simulation Distance slider.

  • Copy and paste or type out the seed code in this box. Set any other configurations, then click the “Create” button to make your new world.

Double check the numbers you enter, making sure you’re not leaving off a number at the end or a minus symbol at the beginning. Not all seeds start with a symbol, nor do they all include the same number of digits.

Top 20 Best Minecraft Seeds for 2024

Without further ado, we present you with our curated list of the best Minecraft seed options of the year.

The Sakura Biome is one of the most beautiful biomes Minecraft ever had, don't you agree? | Source: Dotesports.com

New Biomes and Structures

Seed 1: Sakura Sanctuary

The Cherry Grove biome is a charming new place to build among the soft pink blooms of cherry trees. You’ll spawn just inside a large chunk of this new biome, giving you a chance to build your favorite Japanese-inspired structures for a classic spring time look. There is also a village nearby and a few temples within traveling distance to supply you with plenty of materials in this Sakura season seed.

  • Seed Code: -5584399987456711267

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Spawn near a vast Cherry Grove biome filled with cherry blossom trees.

    • Ideal for building Japanese-inspired structures.

    • Nearby villages and temples for resources.

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Cherry Grove: -122, 183, -70

    • Village: 91, 133, 316

Seed 2: Ancient City Challenge

Ancient Cities are some of the most thrilling underground structures to ever spawn in a Minecraft world. If you’ve been struggling with Minecraft bedrock seeds that don’t seem to put you anywhere near one of these structures, you’re in luck. This one should work just as well for you as it does for Java players. Just make sure you watch out for the Warden!

  • Seed Code: -4651105460712845864

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Immediate access to the Deep Dark biome and an Ancient City.

    • Encounter the Warden for a challenging survival experience.

    • Rich in rare loot and ancient structures.

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Ancient City Entrance: 147, -42, 3

Survival Challenges

Seed 3: Frozen Wasteland Survival

Surviving in Minecraft starts out as a challenge, but experienced players quickly learn to avoid any danger from Creepers, Shulks, and the like. Turn up the environmental difficulty by relocating yourself to the empty and frozen wasteland with this tundra biome survival challenge. The scattered igloos can supply you with valuable materials, but watch out for the hazards as you explore the caves below the snow and establish your base.

  • Seed Code: -7255571058704538969

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Spawn in a vast frozen tundra with scarce resources.

    • Nearby igloos with hidden basements.

    • Access to underground caves rich in ores.

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Igloo with Basement: 1560, 50, -2936

    • Another Igloo with Basement 1256, 50, -2488

    • Cave Entrance: 1421, 67, -2736

Survival Tips for the Cold:

  • Leather armor will stop cold damage and reverse the freezing effect.

  • Beware of Polar bears protecting their cubs.

  • Hide in igloos or villages to warm up.

  • Plan your adventures carefully.

Seed 4: Deserted Lava Village

Want to recreate the buried city of Pompeii with your very own abandoned village hidden at the bottom of a deep cave? Turn to this seed that drops you right in the middle of the lava-filled ruins. There’s no need to run around and find the attraction with this seed, at least in the Java edition. Watch out for the lava waterfall as you work to restore your village to its former glory with the dark cave stretching above you like a night sky.

  • Seed Code: -2404910741640601849

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Abandoned village located at the bottom of a deep cave.

    • Surrounded by pools of lava and a lava waterfall.

    • Ideal for players seeking a challenging start.

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Village Entrance: 1, -54, -1

Explore the Ancient City and survive the Trial Chambers! | Source: Dualshockers

Seed 5: Trial Chambers Abound

An update in July 2024 added the Trial Chamber structure to world generation, and this seed makes it easy to explore these dungeons without a lot of searching. Multiple chambers have formed around a central valley that’s sporting cute pink Cherry trees. There’s a village nearby that makes a convenient base for recuperating between your adventures into the Chambers. If you get bored with the challenge, try venturing to the nearby Mushroom Island or Woodland Mansion.

  • Seed Code: 2786386421968123439

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Easy access to multiple trial chambers and a village to serve as your headquarters

    • Woodland mansion and Mushroom Island aren’t far away either

    • Attractive valley for building a base with your newfound riches

    • Cherry groves nearby

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Trial Chamber: 71, 65, 57

    • Trial Chamber: -217, -45, -393

    • Trial Chamber: -361, -23, 55

    • Trial Chamber: -247, -100, 633

    • Village: 64, 43, -192

    • Woodland Mansion: -952, 181, 328

    • Mushroom Island: -1315, 25, -444

Seed 6: Tropical Survival Island

Ready for room for just one? Embrace your solitary side with this survival island ocean based seed. It’s not too isolated from nearby sources of materials, but it’s protected enough to give you a challenge while also providing beautiful views. A hanging jungle temple partially formed on side of a cliff adds intrigue. Open cliff faces show you nothing but ocean in every direction except for a nearby mushroom island.

  • Seed Code: 5103174351777246372

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • A generously sized survival island with a jungle biome

    • A suspended jungle beauty to add a little Indiana Jones style

    • Challenge survival setup with limited wood and mining opportunities

    • Beautiful open caves and ocean views

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Survival Island: -40, 90, -61

    • Mushroom Island 1: 659, 80, 172

    • Mushroom Island 2: -566, 10, -717

Seed 7: Super Challenging Shipwreck Survival

Have you ever fantasized about surviving a shipwreck like in the Swiss Family Robinson? Well, they were lucky enough to wash up on an island. In this seed, you’re stuck with just your sunken ship for support. Dive down to retrieve the iron in the chests below to make a boat and set sail for new lands!

  • Seed Code: -8065848147699287859

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Just a sunken shipwreck to keep you barely above water as you start

  • Important Coordinates:

    • None – you’re all alone!

Building Havens

Seed 8: Coastal Village Oasis

A picturesque coastal village is the perfect place to get started building, especially if you’re new to Minecraft or want to relax with your friends. This is one of the best Minecraft seeds Bedrock has to offer for seaside structures even if it’s lacking in other exciting attractions near the spawn point.

  • Seed Code: 3227028068011494221

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Spawn near a coastal village with sandy beaches and deep blue sea.

    • Abundant resources like food and trees.

    • Perfect location for building seaside structures.

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Village Center: 849, 121, -416

And what about a costal village for you to explore? | Source: Reddit

Seed 9: Endless Beach Paradise

Need a larger beachside area for making full-sized cities, castles, and more? Try this quick start seed that puts you close to wood, lava, and more. You can create sparkling obsidian structures without resorting to creative mode, or simply cover over the lava pool to protect your new villagers.

  • Seed Code: -1389577003656398696

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • An endless stretch of sandy beach ideal for constructing massive builds.

    • Nearby forests for ample wood supply.

    • Lava pool that can be utilized or covered based on preference.

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Ideal Building Spot: 29, 64, -66

Seed 10: Villagers, Cats, and Pillagers

Type in a short and easy-to-remember seed code and start out in a sweet Flower Forest. As the bees buzz, you can start digging to quickly access a Deep Dark biome and nearby Ancient City. If you’re more interested in building on the surface first, head south to find a Pillager Outpost and then a cliffside village complete with cats.

  • Seed Code: 4009

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Deep Dark biome not far from where you spawn

    • Complete with an Ancient City to explore

    • Protect the village to the south from the Pillager Outpost and tame some pet cats!

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Deep Dark biome: 77, -42, -40

    • Ancient City: 112, -35, -176

    • Pillager Outpost: 0, 87, 112

    • Large Plains village: 90, 70, 300

Seed 11: Woodland Mansion with a Meadow View

Woodland Mansions are usually spooky, but this one is so carefully placed on the edge of a circular valley that it’s scenic instead. In the valley you’ll find a plateau covered in meadow and completely encircled by a river like a moat. Build your castle base on top of it and connect to the Woodland Mansion across the valley. There are lots of interesting landforms around the valley as well.

  • Seed Code: -4167906860331286230

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Woodland Mansion perched on the edge of a valley

    • Circular river for a moat around the raised plateau

    • Sunken cave in the center of the plateau to form a basement as you build

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Woodland Mansion: 459, 128, 86

Seed 12: Connect the Villages Across the Savanna

Building a large civilization of interconnected settlements is challenging in Minecraft, but it’s also very satisfying. This seed gives you a great head start by providing a chain of villages quite close together but far enough apart to feel separate. You can easily enclose them and build roads to connect them while conquering the nearby Pillager outpost to protect your towns. There’s even a ruined portal and multiple Trial Chambers nearby for some fun.

  • Seed Code: -662835649278923167

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Multiple villages spread across the Savanna biome

    • Trial Chambers underground and a Pillager outpost above ground to increase the challenge

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Village: 80, 64

    • Village: 80, -368

    • Village: -240, -160

    • Village: -240, 272

    • Pillager Outpost: 160, -192

    • Ruined Portal: 120, 24

    • Trial Chamber: 183, 23

    • Trial Chamber: 105, -377

    • Trial Chamber: -505, -471

Seed 13: Growing Up or Growing Down

This Minecraft seed stands out for the massive open cave system that provides multiple great spots for an underground base. Yet we wouldn’t blame you for settling in the valley where you spawn since it’s got a village, Pillager outpost, and ruined portal nearby with sharp peaks to build between.

  • Seed Code: 3375320420129844992

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Sharp peaks and a small valley with a village and other attractions all within a short distance from the spawn

    • A large cave system that opens to the surface at multiple points for underground building

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Caves that open to the surface 75, 63, -132

Seed 14: Huge Open Crater in the Badlands

Want a Badlands base for the beautiful striped scenery but can’t find a good source of wood nearby? Worry no more with this huge crated ringed by the forest. Orange, burnt sienna, and gray colors abound as you build a unique looking base hidden by the hills hugging around you.

  • Seed Code: 7415148716787308309

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • A large crater in the heart of the Badlands biome

    • Wooded Badlands biome around the edges of the crater to provide wood without obscuring your base building efforts

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Crater: 940, 19, -2020

Enough? Not for us! Get ready for even more seeds! | Source: Minecraft.net

Unique and Rare Biomes

Seed 15: Giant Mangrove Swamp

The Mangrove Swamp biome was introduced recently, and many players still haven’t found a good example of this stunning area. Explore a large swamp or head to the nearby desert pyramid and village to set up a base and look for rare items.

  • Seed Code: 4025804172371830787

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Spawn near a colossal Mangrove Swamp filled with Minecraft frogs and unique flora.

    • Access to mangrove wood for new crafting options.

    • Nearby desert pyramid and village.

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Mangrove Swamp Center: 379, 66, 52

    • Desert Village: -768, 55, -1024

    • Desert Pyramid: -1000, -11, -1016

Seed 16: Mooshroom Island Adventure

The Mooshroom biome might be extremely rare, but this seed will spawn you not far from an entire island teeming with colorful cows. You’ll be safe from hostile mob spawns and can access a number of hidden ravines from cave entrances on the island.

  • Seed Code: -8427444967367737379

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • A tropical island teeming with Mooshrooms.

    • Safe from hostile mob spawns.

    • Hidden ravines for exploration.

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Mooshroom Island: -5517, 113, -187

    • Ravine Entrance: -5565, 71, -246

Seed 17: Snowy Peaks Dropping to a Gorgeous Deep Dark Cavern

Snowy peaks indicate a hidden secret underground, and this seed definitely features one. Build on the mountains or in the villages nearby, or even on the unusual island nearby that combines four different biomes. Or dig down and explore a beautiful cavern with a lava lake, drip stone, and two connected Ancient Cities.

  • Seed Code: 4489057056054590644

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Just a sunken shipwreck to keep you barely above water as you start

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Four Biome Island: -423, 89, 196

    • Deep Dark Cavern: 44,-45,-3

Seed 18: An Infinite Ravine from a Desert Temple

This seed produces a Deep Ravine biome that seems nearly infinite. If that’s not enough, you enter it through the desert temple and village obscuring its secret. Still need more excitement? Head to the nearby exposed mineshaft and stronghold for more adventure.

  • Seed Code: 6779424695209938724

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Desert temple and village

    • Drop down through the temple into a massive ravine

    • Exposed mineshaft and stronghold available not far from the desert temple

    • Get lots of treasure

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Village with Desert Temple: -849, 83, -443

Seed 19: Multiple Biomes in a Few Thousand Blocks

You can’t have every biome in one place on Minecraft, but you can get lucky and have rare ones appearing within a few thousand blocks of each other. This perfect seed features Badlands, Cherry Groves, Savanna, a Flower Forest, and Mushroom Fields. None of them are more than 2000 blocks away from the others, allowing you to build with ease with a large group while still feeling connected.

  • Seed Code: 333148945457819

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Multiple rare biomes close together

  • Important Coordinates:

    • Mushroom Fields: -208, 356
      Cherry Grove: 492, 1061

Wild and Wacky Minecraft 1.21 Seeds

Seed 20: Trail Ruins Meet Trial Chambers

Think outside the box. This seed jams together two unique structures, Trail Ruins and Trial Chambers.

  • Seed Code: 2614453614016840431

  • Version: 1.21 (Java and Bedrock)

  • Features:

    • Trail ruins all around

    • Head to the coordinates where a lush cave hoss the collision of a trial chamber and trial ruins

  • Important Coordinates

    • Collision point: 260, 89, 790

How to Choose the Right Minecraft Seed for You

With all of these amazing seeds available for exciting Minecraft adventures, you can get the most out of the seed you choose by matching the world to your preferred gaming style.

  • For a relaxing time building a town or base, stick to a map that offers open areas and plenty of materials.

  • To challenge your skills and increase the sense of satisfaction you feel from succeeding, set yourself to a survival challenge on one of our dangerous seeds.

  • Get a group involved in exploring the trial chambers and other dungeons we highlighted above.

No matter what, experimenting with the various seeds will help you decide which one is right for you.

Tips for Maximizing Your Minecraft Seed Experience

If you’re not finding the features you want or are struggling to get started, don’t be afraid to explore these worlds on Creative or Spectator mode first. You’ll soon identify the perfect starting point and decide how to tackle the challenge. Try finding some mods or texture packs on Gameflip to further enhance your gameplay. Share your experiences with these seeds with the rest of the Minecraft community as well.


We’ve explored seeds that offer everything from the peaceful joy of a Cherry Blossom Grove to the thrilling excitement of a sunken village surrounded by lava. Whether you want to reenact ancient disasters or just need somewhere to build a base before tackling the End, you have plenty of options now. Share your favorite seeds or experiences with these seeds in the comments. Gameflip is your go-to marketplace for all your Minecraft-related needs, including in-game currency, items, and gift cards.

Ready to Embark on Your Next Minecraft Adventure?

With 20 great Minecraft 1.21 seeds to use, you’re ready to dive back into Minecraft and keep exploring this familiar setting. While you’re busy building a Mooshroom Island base or beating back the Endermen, make sure you check out Gameflip’s marketplace for all kinds of Minecraft-related items. Enhance your gaming experience by finding amazing deals on the best platform to buy and sell in-game items, skins, and gift cards. Check out our Minecraft section for exclusive deals and offers like digital codes for all versions of the game.


How do I enter a seed in Minecraft?
See our handy guide above showing you where to enter your seed information on both Java and Bedrock editions of Minecraft.
Are these seeds compatible with both Java and Bedrock Editions?
All of these seeds will offer primarily the same features whether loaded on Java or Bedrock editions of the game. However, the exact coordinates of spawned structures may vary a little between the two versions. Use a seed-based mapping tool to find the new locations of anything that has shifted.
What is the difference between Java and Bedrock seeds?
The Java version of the game allows for extensive modding, but it requires a strong computer and doesn’t allow for crossplay on other devices. The Bedrock addition makes modifying the game easy with add-ons and allows for crossplay on older and lesser used devices.
Can I use these seeds on older versions of Minecraft?
You can always try loading some of these seeds on a previous version of Minecraft to see what happens. However, there’s no guarantee they’ll offer the same features or biomes.
How do I find specific biomes or structures using seeds?
Try loading the seed in Creative mood and flying around to explore. Open the information display by pressing F3 and move to the coordinates listed for each item you want to check out.
Why do some seeds generate different worlds on different platforms?
While Java and Bedrock are similar in many ways, they generate seeds differently. You may get slightly different results depending on the platform or game version you’re using.

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