Online when my status in online usually between 7am (IST) and 11 PM (IST)
If you need material just ask me and i can make a costume bundle for you
10x Candy Corn LMG
10x Steam Thrasher
10x Xenon Bow
10x Plasmatic Discharger
10x Pain Train
10x Popshot
10x Spectral Blade
10x QuickShot
10x Primal Flame Bow
10x Pulsar 9000
10x Grave Digger
10x Primal Stink Bow
10x Vacuum Tube Bow
40K Traps
10x Silenced Specter
10x Gammatron 9000
10x Blazing Masamune
10x Deconstructor
10x Primal Rifle