Want to make money with your game items? Enter Gameflip's ever-growing community of sellers and start listing your goods today! Selling on Gameflip is easy and fast. You can click on the "Become a Seller" button, or scroll down and read more before you start your journey!
成为 Gameflip 卖家的福利
拥有超过 6 万用户,您的商品将立即售出。您可以出售游戏内物品、游戏密钥,甚至出售礼品卡!我们的游戏社区一直在寻找最优惠的价格。
You can cash out the money made with your sales via multiple platforms, no matter your home currency. With your account verified, you can withdraw your balance with an account in Payoneer, Routable, Skrill, and even in Bitcoin!
如果出于任何原因您的交易未成功,我们保证您的物品是安全的。没有麻烦,没有问题。您的安全是我们的首要任务!我们将保护您的 Gameflip 帐户和您的物品免受不良用户的侵害,并确保我们社区的安全。您可以通过此处详细了解我们的 Gameflip 保证!
准备好将您的游戏热情转化为稳定的收入来源了吗?成为 Gameflip 的卖家,向财务胜利问好!这不仅仅是销售,更是聪明的销售。借助 Gameflip,您可以轻松列出和销售您的游戏物品、礼品卡和数字宝藏。将虚拟胜利转化为现实世界的现金是游戏玩家的秘密。
为什么选择游戏翻转?想象一下:一个安全的市场,您的交易受到保护,确保无忧的销售体验。您内心的平静很重要,在 Gameflip,我们认真对待这一点。我们建立了一个依靠信任而蓬勃发展的社区,因此您可以专注于您最擅长的事情 - 游戏。
但现金流呢?我们也涵盖了这一点。 Gameflip 提供快速、轻松的提款服务,因此您无需等待即可享受收益。这就像中了大奖并能够立即兑现一样。你辛苦赚来的钱应该掌握在你的手中,而不是陷入交易困境。
因此,无论您有稀有的游戏内物品、未使用的礼品卡还是等待被发现的数字宝藏,Gameflip 都是您的首选市场。玩游戏不只是为了寻求刺激;为利益而玩。加入精明的卖家行列,释放他们对游戏的热情所带来的经济潜力。准备好让每个级别都成为发薪日了吗?立即通过 Gameflip 开始您的销售之旅并升级您的钱包!
Gameflip's fees are straightforward and easy to grasp. We've laid out everything clearly into two main sections: Selling Fees and Withdrawal Fees, so you can see exactly what to expect.
Selling Fees
Our fee structure is simple. Once your item has been purchased, delivered, and accepted by the Buyer, Gameflip takes an 8% Commission Fee plus a 2% Partner Fee, and a 2% Digital Fee (if applicable) off of the listing price. The fees allow us to support our Gameflip team members, who are just as passionate about games as you are! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our team any time you want by opening a ticket.
Withdrawal Fees
When withdrawing from Gameflip, you will need to choose one of the following payment options by our partners. At the moment, we work with Payoneer, Routable, Skrill and we also let our users withdraw their Gameflip earned funds in Bitcoin. The fees are as follows:
Again, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!
- 自动交付:一些卖家使用我们的数字金库或 Steam 机器人,可以自动快速地交付数字代码和游戏内物品。您几乎可以立即收到这些物品。
- 1 至 3 天送达:在某些情况下,卖家可能会选择手动送达,通常需要 1 至 3 天才能完成。
- 购买后立即:购买后且仍处于处理阶段时,您可以取消购买。
- 正在审核状态:如果您的订单正在接受审核并标记为“正在审核”状态,您保留取消订单的选项。
- 卖家交货延迟:如果卖家未在商品描述中规定的指定时间内履行订单,您可以在 12 小时宽限期后取消订单。