I mostly buy games but I also sell duplicates I already own, eg if I buy a bundle.
Soldiers: Heroes of World War II [instant Steam key]
Reventure [instant Steam key]
The Uncertain: Last Quiet Day [instant Steam key]
Serial Cleaner [instant Steam key]
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons [instant Steam key]
LEGO The Hobbit [instant Steam key]
Expeditions: Viking [instant Steam key]
Sudden Strike 4 [instant Steam key]
GRIP: Combat Racing plus Artifex Car Pack DLC [2 x instant Steam keys]
The Signal From Tölva [instant Steam key]
Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation [instant Steam key]
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak [instant Steam key]
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock [instant Steam key]
I am not a Monster (I'm not a Monster) [instant Steam key]
Terra Lander [instant Steam key]
Endless Space - Collection [instant Steam key]
Dungeon Rushers [instant Steam key]
Millie [instant Steam key]
Guns of Icarus Alliance [instant Steam key]
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found [instant]
The Dweller [92% positive on Steam] [instant]
CAT Interstellar [Steam key] [instant]
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition [76% positive] [instant]
The Flame in the Flood [instant Steam key] [74% positive]
Age of Wonders III [instant Steam key]