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$2,500.00 USD
Digital Transfer

Playstation 4
3 天 
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Legendary Mod Armor Toon Value QNTY


anti armor $1 1

aristocrats $1 6

assassins $1 28

Auto stim $1 11

Berserkers $1 15

Bloodied $1 12

Bolstering $1 9

Chameleon $1 12

Cloaking $1 16

Executions $1 8

Exterminators $1 23

Furious $1 18

Ghoul Slayers $1 27

Gourmands $1 7

Hunters $1 15

Instigating $1 6

Juggernaught $1 12

Junkies $1 14

Life saving $1 7

Medics $1 5

Mutant Slayers $1 17

Mutants $1 24

Nocturnal $1 21

Over Eaters $1 4

Quad $1 1

Regenerating $1 7

Stalkers $1 8

Suppressors $1 12

Troubleshooters $1 4

Two Shots $1 14

Unyeilding $1 2

Vampires $1 4

Vangauards $1 7

Weightless $1 8

Zealots $1 19


Agility $2 11

Antiseptic $2 10

Bashers $2 22

Charisma $2 12

Crippling $2 25

Endurance $2 12

Explosive $2 7

Fireproof $2 15

Glutton $2 13

Hardy $2 6

Hazmat $2 17

Heavy hitters $2 18

hitmans $2 20

Inertial $2 19

Intelligence $2 18

Last shot $2 14

Luck $2 14

Perception $2 13

Poisoners $2 2

Powered $2 9

Rapid $2 10

Riposting $2 16

Steady $2 19

Strength $2 0

Vats Enhanced $2 13

Vital $2 17

Warming $2 11


Acrobats $3 8

Adamantium $3 13

Agility $3 18

Arms Keeper $3 2

Belted $3 11

Burning $3 12

Cavalierrs $3 4

Charisma $3 10

Defenders $3 14

Disipating $3 6

Divers $3 13

Doctors $3 7

Durability $3 9

Electrified $3 17

Endurance $3 10

Frozen $3 10

Ghosts $3 14

Intelligence $3 17

Light Weight $3 3

Luck $3 10

Lucky $3 20

Nimble $3 11

Packrats $3 8

Perception $3 14

Resiliant $3 15

Safe Crackers $3 10

Seret Agents $3 14

Sentinels $3 1

Steadfast $3 11

Strength $3 17

Swift $3 4

Thru Hikers $3 11

Toxic $3 12

Vats Optimised $3 0


Aegis $5 0

Battle loaders $4 13

Bruisers $4 1

Bullys $4 10

Choo choos $4 5

Combo breakers $4 6

Conductors $4 13

Electricians $4 17

Encirclers $4 10

Fencers $4 13

Fractures $5 5

Ice mans $4 11

Limit breaking $4 8

Miasmas $4 14

Pinpointers $4 3

Polished $6 4

pounders $6 2

propelling $4 4

Pyromaniacs $4 6

Radio active powered $4 8

Rangers $4 3

Rejuvenators $4 0

Runners $4 5

Sawboones $4 4

Scanners $4 5

Stabilizers $4 1

Stalwarts $4 12

Tankys $4 1

Vipers $4 3

Enclave Mod Value Each QNTY

Aligned auto $5 1

Aligned Flamer $5 12

Aligned short barrel $0.75 3

Aligned Sniper $0.75 2

Automatic barrel $0.75 1

Bruising Grip $3 2

Callibrated Capacitor $3 1

Comfort stock $3 1

Gamma Wave emitter $3 1

long night vision scope $0.75 6

medium night vison scope $0.75 9

presice stock $2 1

Refined Beta wave tuner $1 11

Severe Beta wave tuner $1 14

Short night vision scope $1 18

Short recon scope $1 3

Short scope $1 1

Stabilized automatic barrel $1 1

Stabilized flamer barrel $1 3

Stabilized sniper barrel $1 11

Stabilized Stock $5 1

True Automatixc barrel $2 2

True Capacitor $2 5

True flamer barrel $0.75 3

true short barrel $0.75 1

True sniper Barrel $0.75 7

True Splitter $0.75 1

True Stock $0.75 3

Vicious Capacitor $2 1

Enclave Mod Value Each QNTY

Aligned auto $5 1

Aligned Flamer $5 12

Aligned short barrel $0.75 3

Aligned Sniper $0.75 2

Automatic barrel $0.75 1

Bruising Grip $3 2

Callibrated Capacitor $3 1

Comfort stock $3 1

Gamma Wave emitter $3 1

long night vision scope $0.75 6

medium night vison scope $0.75 9

presice stock $2 1

Refined Beta wave tuner $1 11

Severe Beta wave tuner $1 14

Short night vision scope $1 18

Short recon scope $1 3

Short scope $1 1

Stabilized automatic barrel $1 1

Stabilized flamer barrel $1 3

Stabilized sniper barrel $1 11

Stabilized Stock $5 1

True Automatixc barrel $2 2

True Capacitor $2 5

True flamer barrel $0.75 3

true short barrel $0.75 1

True sniper Barrel $0.75 7

True Splitter $0.75 1

True Stock $0.75 3

Vicious Capacitor $2 1

Junk Item Value

Aluminum $1.49 per k

Ballistic fiber $1.99 per k

Black Titanium $2.99 per k

Bone Shards $1.49 per k

Ceramic $1.99 per k

Circuits $1.99 per k

Coal $2.49 per 10k

Concrete $1.99 per k

Copper $1.99 per k

Cork $1.25 per k

Crystal $1.49 per k

Excess Adhesive $1.99 per k

Fiber optic Bundle $2.99 per k

Fiber Glass $1.49 per k

Glass $1.99 per k

Gold $1.49 per k

Lead $2.49 per 10k

Legendary modules n/a

Loose Gears $1.99 per k

Loose screws $1.99 per k

Loose springs $1.99 per k

Molded Plastic $1.99 per10k

Nuclear Waste $2.99 per k

Raw asbestos $1.49 per k

Raw cloth $2.49 per 10k

Raw fertilizer $2.99 per k

Raw leather $1.99 per10k

Raw Rubbber $2.49 per10k

Silver $1.99 per k

Stable Cobalt $4.99 per 100

Stable Crimson $1.99 per 100

Sstable Flouresent $2.49 per 100

Stable Violet $2.49 per 100

Stable Yellowcake $2.49 per 100

Steel $1.99 per10k

Ultracite $2.99 per k

Unrefined gunpowder $0.99 per k

Vault Steel n/a

waste Acid $1.49 per k

Waste Aniseptic $1.49 per k

Waste Oil $2.99 per k

wood $1.99 per10k

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