State of Decay 2 Ultimate Bundle

8 months ago

State of Decay 2 Ultimate Bundle
I will meet you in-game with these items and transfer them to you! All you have to do is send me your gamertag, then when i am online, I will invite you to my game for the transfer.
I can transfer these items faster than many sellers! I have a great method of doing this!
This bundle now takes around 1-2 minutes to transfer!!
---Comes with---
100 Guns with 999 ammo in them
20 Melee Weapons
Network signal booster (+2outposts)
20k Parts
999 Scraps of Circutry
999 Cases of Chemicals
999 Boxes of Seeds
999 Medkits
999 Strong Painkillers
999 Gas cans and Quick Repair Kits
999 Bulk Plague Cure
999 of each of the Vehicle Upgrade Kits
Hiking Backpacks
Tons of Facility Mods
Lots of Explosives
And more!
State of Decay 2 items.
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