Fallout 76 | Ultracite Power Armor FULL | Xbox One

1 year ago

For Sale: FULL Ultracite Power Armor.
This is among the most rare suits of power armor in the game.
The standard damage resistance is MUCH higher than X-01 power armor by a whopping 85 points of resistance, making this the best (and rarest!) power armor in the game so far!
This armor requires the wearer to be level 50.
The armor comes COMPLETELY repaired. Virtually without a scratch!
Purchase includes a full set of Ultracite Power Armor.
That means:
Ultracite... Helmet, right leg, left leg, right arm, left arm, and torso.
Stats (all armor pieces equipped):
Dmg Resist: 483 ( Highest in the game! )
Energy Resist: 393
Rad Resist: 393
Delivery Details:
You and I will meet in game and I will sell you each item for zero caps and we will both send confirmation to GameFlip. Easy as that!
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