Grey3eard's GunShop

 Grey3eard's GunShop 

Membre depuis le Jun 2021

À propos

Greying Northern Irish Die Hard 76er 😉

5000 Sales and 4000 Positive Reviews 🍻

Been Playing a Long Time and I've been trading the same amount of time almost (BETA Build)

I'd greatly appreciate a follow then you can easily see my listings as and when I add / update.

I try to be online everyday (GMT Timezone)

Weekends I work longer Shifts so I'm not on as much.

So If I don't respond ASAP I'm Sleeping, working or out with my Dog 🐕

I'm happy to bundle just DM me.

Please Enjoy my store and remember, I'm open to offers.


All In Game trades are recorded.

* Prices are for the time and grind to obtain these items. You are paying for my time. Bethesda owns the rights to these items*

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