Chole Shop
Membre depuis le Mar 2019
À propos
🟢ONLINE🟢 Happy New Years!🥰
🎁 I have more items in stock than listed. You can ask me for a bundle!
✅ All my items are clean guaranteed
💬 Send me a message or leave a comment to contact or ask me a question.
🙏 No reply means that I'm either sleeping or busy. Please be patient, I will deliver the item as fast as possible.
🎥 All trades are being recorded!
🔰 I can supply you all the pets in Blade Ball, Anime Defenders, Anime Vanguards, Pet Simulator 99 , Pets Go! in large numbers. You can message me about it or comment on my Listings.
💝 Helpful Articles:
❓ Why is my Purchase or Funds under review?
👉 https://gameflip.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210297418
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