🔸 ❄️ DiR'EX ❄️ 🔸
Membre depuis le Jun 2021
À propos
🔸 Currently - 💤 ONLINE - IM ONLINE🔸
🔸 Delivery Time [May be even 16h] 🔸
⚠️ Don't spam me., Please !!! ⚠️
❄️ Online ❄️ Usualy (~16UTC or ~18GTM) to (~5UTC or ~7GTM)
💤 Offlinie 💤 Delivery time may be even 16h (Please to checking the status on profile page and profile picture)
🔸Delivery time depends on the number of orders 1- 60 min (Only when I'm Online)
When im Offlnie then delivery time can be even 16 hours! (So be aware of this)🔸
🔸 When You making order please write your EpicID, Username or Gametag in the Player name box 🔸
(Even then If You have already added some of my accounts)
🔸 All transactions are recording for safety both sites 🔸
🔸 If something is wrong with amounts just let me know and i will check it. 🔸
🔸 I'm not using Voice Chat in game 🔸
🔸 You are responsible for the people who are in your game !!! 🔸
🔸 The same when You inviting me to game where leader are Your friends !!! 🔸
⚠️ Make sure You have enough room. I'm not delivering on a few accounts. (Don't have time on this!) ⚠️
⚠️I do not delivery especially to XBOX triall accounts !!! ⚠️
🔸 I do not accept returns after delivery items. 🔸
🔸 Im not responsible for items after delivering it to customers 🔸
(That's customers are reponsible for his items / game stability / internet connetion and other factors over which the seller has no influence)
🔸 Neutral/Negative - Instantly block on the future 🔸
🔸 If You buying from me that mean You accepting my rules. 🔸
(If You don't know person in Your game then just kick then or make private game - Always that You are OWNER!)
(Canceling all orders from Toxic and Spamming customers. The same for joing to party (+Blocking on the future))
⚠️If You will be joing to my games without reason then I will block You ⚠️
📅 --- 📅
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