Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos BATTLE.NET KEY GLOBAL

3 months ago

Release on 2002-07-03
Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos is an RTS made by Blizzard Entertainment. Take control of either the Humans, the Orcs, the Night Elves or the Undead, all with different unit types and heroes with unique abilities. Play the story driven single player campaign, go online to play default- or custom maps against people around the world or create your own maps with the map creation tool.
Activate with Battle.net:
1. In a web browser, head to the Blizzard Code Redemption page here : https://www.battle.net/shop/en/checkout/key-claim
2. Log in, and then enter the game code you get from Gameflip.
3. Click “Redeem Code”, and then follow the prompts to download the game to your PC.
4. You can then launch the game by using the Battle.net Desktop App here: https://download.battle.net/desktop
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