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Release on 2015-10-06

Skyhill is a roguelike story about staying alive when there is no reason to. You are a resident of Skyhill hotel,who survived biological catastrophe. Goal - is to get out of your penthouse in search of other people and salvation. But all elevators in the building are off and floors are flooded with hazards. You are not sure is there any other survivors, as far as you know everyone in the building died, or… changed beyond recognition. Those who provided room service and pushed buttons in elevators for you not so long ago… well now all they want is to rip off your flesh to get to your tasty insides… So much for customer service. You face the dilemma: on the one hand you have to get out from the damn building, on the other hand your hotel suite is your only “Fort” that protects from the horrors of post-apocalyptic reality.

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