Money | 10000000$

$9.50 USD
Transfert coordonné
Transfert coordonné

3 months ago

Objet de jeu
Playstation 5
Méthode de livraison
Transfert coordonné 
Le vendeur envoie
1 jour(s) 
Restriction régionale
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Ty : this article we made 7 hits of $1,500,000 resulting in the $10,500.000 that you are requesting.

Hello, I hope you are doing great! My name is Alex but you can call me iCrylixx or whatever you think is better haha ​​this is your preferred store to buy money in your GTA ONLINE account on Ps5, at the time you buy.. during the same day or at the latest the next day I will be writing to you to add you and invite you to the heist that I use to pass the money!

100% reliable and you will not have any problem, you will see your money immediately..

I do not have to ask you for an email or password, you will just play with me and you will get the money.

If more than talking, I hope you become a millionaire with me🙌🏻

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