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Killer is Dead: Nightmare Edition

$1.80 USD
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8 months ago

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Release on 2014-05-23

Killer is Dead is an action game that is no sequel to Killer7 or the No More Heroes series by the same developers, but shares elements such as violent action, a main character wielding a katana as the most prominent weapon, assassins as an important theme, and a cel shaded visual style. The game is divided into 12 episodes in locations all over the world and stars Mondo Zap as the main character. He is a contract executioner who works for the he Bryan Execution Firm. The game is set in the future and Monda receives jobs to kill cyborgs and assassins. Before each mission a brief overview of the objective is shown against a world map and in between the fighting there are often animated sequences that further the story. Completing a main mission usually opens up several side missions.

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