Gold | 1 Million Gold Eso Xbox

$27.99 USD
Digital Transfer

Objets de jeu
The Elder Scrolls Online
XBox Series X|S
Méthode de livraison
Transfert coordonné 
Le vendeur envoie
2 jour(s) 
Restriction régionale
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Garantie Gameflip
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Get the item as described or your money back.

Type: Gold

Be careful not to buy botted gold. Botted gold will be removed and potentially get you banned buying it. I'm an american player and farm my own gold. I will always invite to a party and you will know im from the usa. Never accept gold through the mail. My trades are made in person face to face and are 100% safe. I've been selling for 7 years and no one has ever had their gold removed or banned. Don't risk your account over a few dollars. My delivery is set to 2 days incase of any schedule conflicts but im on 7 days a week and will deliver right away if im online.

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