Congo Merc (Steam/Global Instant Delivery)

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During the 1960s the newly independent Congo was the scene of constant warfare. Congo Merc puts you in the middle of that fighting with a task force of elite commandos. You conduct breakneck advances into the heart of enemy territory, seize critical objectives and, just as important, return to home base.

Based on the board game by Decision Games, Congo Merc includes everything from hostage rescue to tracking down Cuban cadre. You recruit from a variety of unit types, including jeep-mounted commandos, light armor, sappers, air support, paratroopers and many others.

Once a task force is organized, you maneuver it into the Congo. The map covers the entire country, and when a force enters certain points an event occurs. Events can include anything from UN intervention to ambushes by enemy fighters. Combat is resolved via a quasi-tactical procedure in which both tactical superiority and firepower play their parts.

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