Age Up Potion x80

3 months ago

Adopt Me 80 x Age Up Potion
1 potion = 30 tasks, 60 potion = 2400 tasks
You can choose feed by me or feed by yourself :
Age Up Service (Feed by me)
You need trade me the pets you want to age up. I’ll feed the potions and trade back to you :) You'll have to stay online until I'm done.
Age Up When You Want (Feed by yourself)
Delivery Method : Direct Transfer
How many potions needed?
From Newborn to Full grown /
or From Reborn to Luminous :
Legendary = 10 Potions
Ultra Rare = 6 Potions
Rare = 4 Potions
Uncommon = 3 Potions
Common = 2 Potions
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