Titanfall 2: Ultimate Edition

$2.79 USD
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Release on 2017-08-01

The best way to jump into one of the most surprising shooters of 2016 is with the Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition. Not only do you get access to all of the content included in the Digital Deluxe edition, this bundle also includes a Jump Start Pack which instantly unlocks all Titan and Pilot classes and arms you with the funds, Double XP tokens AND a custom warpaint skin for the R-201 Carbine all to get you up to speed on the Frontier.

Ultimate Edition includes Titanfall 2 base game, Deluxe Edition content (Scorch & Ion Prime Titans, Deluxe Edition Warpaint for 6 Titans, Deluxe Edition Camo for all Titans, Pilots & Weapons, Deluxe Edition Nose Arts for 6 Titans, Deluxe Edition Callsign), and Jump-Starter content (All Titans unlocked, all Pilot tacticals unlocked, 500 credits to unlock loadouts, cosmetics and gear, 10 2x XP tokens, the Underground R-201 Carbine Warpaint).

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Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition
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