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Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy - REGION LOCK CHECK LIST

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AG Antigua and Barbuda, AM Armenia, AO Angola, AR Argentina, AU Australia, AZ Azerbaijan, BB Barbados, BF Burkina Faso, BI Burundi, BJ Benin, BM Bermuda, BN Brunei Darussalam, BO Bolivia, BR Brazil, BS Bahamas, BW Botswana, BY Belarus, BZ Belize, CA Canada, CF Central African Republic, CG Congo, CI Côte d'Ivoire, CL Chile, CM Cameroon, CN China, CO Colombia, CR Costa Rica, CU Cuba, CV Cabo Verde, DJ Djibouti, DM Dominica, DO Dominican Republic, DZ Algeria, EC Ecuador, EH Western Sahara, ER Eritrea, ET Ethiopia, FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas), GA Gabon, GD Grenada, GE Georgia, GF French Guiana, GH Ghana, GM Gambia, GN Guinea, GQ Equatorial Guinea, GS South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, GT Guatemala, GW Guinea-Bissau, GY Guyana, HK Hong Kong, HN Honduras, HT Haiti, ID Indonesia, IN India, JM Jamaica, KE Kenya, KG Kyrgyzstan, KH Cambodia, KM Comoros, KN Saint Kitts and Nevis, KR Korea, Republic of, KZ Kazakhstan, LA Lao People's Democratic Republic, LC Saint Lucia, LR Liberia, LS Lesotho, LY Libya, MA Morocco, MD Moldova, Republic of, MG Madagascar, ML Mali, MM Myanmar, MO Macao, MR Mauritania, MU Mauritius, MW Malawi, MX Mexico, MY Malaysia, MZ Mozambique, NA Namibia, NE Niger, NG Nigeria, NI Nicaragua, NZ New Zealand, PA Panama, PE Peru, PH Philippines, PR Puerto Rico, PY Paraguay, RU Russian Federation, RW Rwanda, SC Seychelles, SD Sudan, SG Singapore, SL Sierra Leone, SN Senegal, SO Somalia, SR Suriname, SS South Sudan, ST Sao Tome and Principe, SV El Salvador, SZ Eswatini, TD Chad ,TG Togo, TH Thailand, TJ Tajikistan, TL Timor-Leste, TM Turkmenistan, TN Tunisia, TR Türkiye, TT Trinidad and Tobago, TW Taiwan, Province of China, TZ Tanzania, United Republic of, UA Ukraine, UG Uganda, US United States of America, UY Uruguay, UZ Uzbekistan, VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, VE Venezuela, VN Viet Nam, ZA South Africa, ZM Zambia, ZW Zimbabwe


Release on 2014-04-17

Defend the innocent and save the day! Courtroom hero Phoenix Wright lays down the law this Winter in the digital release of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy. Experience the original trilogy like never before in clear, high-resolution re-drawn graphics and immersive 3D visuals optimized for the Nintendo 3DS system.

Join rookie lawyer Phoenix Wright through the early years of his career in his quest to find the truth behind all of the classic cases! Prepare for intense courtroom showdowns by investigating crime scenes, collecting evidence, and questioning witnesses. Use evidence and the testimonies of witnesses to your advantage as you battle for the innocence of your client. Nothing less of a full acquittal will do in this court of law. Find the contradictions in witnesses' testimonies to expose the truth!

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Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy
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