Nook Miles Tickets | 1,000x

$2.99 USD
Transferencia Coordinada
Transferencia Coordinada

2 months ago

Game Item
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Nintendo switch
Método de entrega
Transferencia coordinada 
Vendedor envía
día 1 (s) 
Restricción de Región
Ninguno / Global
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You will receive 1000 Nook Miles Tickets. I can either drop them at your island, or you can come pick them up at my island. Typically, I go to the buyer's island, but either way will work for me. If you leave a review before leaving my island, I will include 100 extra NMTs. Whether you leave a review or not, you will get whatever fruits you say that you need, if you need any.

I have every other in-game item, materials, etc., as well, just let me know what you may need and/or want. I am typically available any time from 2pm-6am (EST). If you need me to be available outside of those times, feel free to let me know.

Las preguntas son públicas y las hacen los usuarios, no Gameflip. Manténgase seguro al no compartir información personal como su nombre, información de pago y cuentas de plataformas de juegos.

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