Mega & Neon Pet Bundle

$22.00 USD
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3 months ago

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This bundle includes the following (all of them are no pot unless stated otherwise, if you’d like to purchase any of them separately comment/message me):


1 MFR Golden Jaguar

1 M Inmate Cappuchin Monkey

1 MR Persian Cat

1 M Preppy Cappuchin Monkey

1 MR Emu

1 MR Scarecrow horse

1 MFR Dingo

1 M Possum

1 M Sea Skeleton Panda

2X M Ant (1 is R)

3X M Beluga Whale (2 is R)

2X M Dog (1 is FR, 1 is R)

1 MR FrankenFeline

1 M Garden Snake

1 M Ghost

2X M Kid Goat

1 M Urchin

1 MR WolperTinger

(The value of all these pets combined is 70.5 on elve)


2X Neon Alley Cat (1 is R)

1 N Corgi

1 N Ginger Cat

1 N Gold Mahi Mahi

1 N Green Amazon

1 NFR LadyBug

1 N Lunar Ox

1 NR Penguin

1 NR Pink Betta Fish

1 N Robot

1 NR Sabertooth

1 N Scarecrow Cat

1 N Dingo

1 N Zombie Wolf

1 N Abyssinian Cat

1 NR Ghost Dog

2X N Ghost Wolf (1 is NR)

1 NR Halloween White Mummy Cat

1 NR Happy Duckling

1 NR Lunar Tiger

1 N Rabbit

1 N Sea Angel

2X N Snow Puma

2X N Chocolate Labrador

1 NR Cute-a-cabra

1 NFR Dingo

1 N Dolphin

1 N Donkey

2X N Fennec Fox (1 is R)

1 N Mahi Mahi

1 N Puma

1 N Raccoon

1 N Rock

1 N Rodeo Bull

N Sea Skeleton Panda

1 N Slug

3X N Snow Cat

1 N SnowMan

1 N Velociraptor

1 NR Wolf

2X N Ant (1 is R)

1 N Bali Starling

1 NFR Bandicoot

2X N Buffalo

3X N Cat ( 1 is F and 1 is FR)

1 N Classic Teapot

3X N Dog

4X N FrankenFeline (1 is R)

1 N Garden Snake

3X N Kid Goat (1 is R)

1 N Mouse

4X N Otter

1 N Robin

1 N Show Pony

1 NFR StingRay

1 N Urchin

(The value of all pets combined is 50+ on elve)

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