🔑🌐PAYDAY 2 [steam key]

$1.99 USD
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PAYDAY 2 is a 4-player co-op action shooter that once again lets players don the masks of the original PAYDAY gang - Dallas, Hoxton, Chains and Wolfe, who have arrived in Washington for a cool new crime streak.

The new CRIMENET network offers a wide range of dynamic contracts and players can choose from small shop raids and kidnappings to massive cybercrimes or huge bank raids for this massive PAYDAY. While we're in DC, why don't we get involved with the local community and do a couple of political errands?

With a cooperative on a mission of up to four friends, along with the progress of the gang, things become larger and the reward increases. Along with earning money and earning the title of Legendary Criminal, a new character customization system and a system that allows the gang to change their weapons and equipment appear.

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