
Does your desk look like this? Then we have some great news for you. (Image Source: Sirisvisual on

Since its founding in 1977, Apple has become a globally recognized brand that is associated with quality computing and consumer electronics. From the Mac to the iPhone and all of the software that makes everything work, Apple designs and develops everything in-house. This has allowed their products to set the standard for their respective industries, a standard that has proved extremely difficult to meet and surpass.

When someone wants a device that blends hardware and software into a single, unmatched experience, the message is clear: buy Apple.

The quality and experience of Apple products commands a high price tag, which means that some of their products and services are out of reach for some people. However, we at Gameflip don't believe that should be the case.

That's why our marketplace offers discounted Apple gift cards - the key to Apple's metaphorical kingdom. With Apple gift cards, you can buy just about anything the company makes, including hardware, software, and even games, music, movies, TV Shows, and more from the iTunes and App Store.

With more than 2 BILLION active Apple devices worldwide, there's a good chance that you have some kind of Apple product to your name. Allow us to tell you all of the awesome things about Apple gift cards, and how we can help you build up that balance without breaking the bank!


Who Sells Apple Gift Cards?

The Apple Store isn't the only place you can pick up Apple gift cards. (Image Source: zhang kaiyv on

Well, just about everyone.

BUT, not all Apple gift card deals are created equal.

While some big retail stores might offer the occasional discount on Apple gift cards at specific points during the year (i.e., the end of it), Gameflip has killer deals on Apple gift cards every single day.

It's not uncommon to come across a Gameflip Marketplace seller who has a few Apple gift cards on sale at a deep discount from its face value. We're talking double-digit percentages off of what the card puts in your Apple Wallet after you redeem it. You would be lucky if Best Buy ever offered that kind of savings outside of Black Friday or Cyber Monday.

If you prefer to do your shopping in-store to capitalize on loyalty programs and such, we have great news: Gameflip also carries gift cards for those major retailers at the same great discounts.

Here are just a few of the stores we carry gift cards for:

So, on the rare occasion that you spot a great deal on Apple gift cards at one of these major stores, you can still capitalize on the immense savings offered by the Gameflip marketplace. How's that for synergy!?

What Can Apple Gift Cards Be Used For?

All of this and so much more. (Image Source: Julian O'hayon)

Many people complain about Apple's “locked down” ecosystem and exorbitant prices, and those complaints are valid. However, it allows them to do something no other company can…

One Apple gift card can be used for every single thing they make. And they make A LOT of stuff.

If you're having difficulty grasping the scope of what is possible with Apple gift cards, here are some things Apple makes that are valid gift card purchases:

  • Apple Computers (Mac, MacBook, iMac, etc.)

  • iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV)

  • Related accessories sold from the Apple Store

  • App Store purchases (games, apps, productivity software)

  • iTunes purchases (music, movies, TV shows)

  • Apple subscription services (Apple One, Apple Music, Apple Arcade, Apple TV+, and more)

One card, MANY uses. That's why Apple gift cards are one of our most popular items on the Gameflip marketplace. People want to make their Apple Store purchases at more affordable prices, and we're more than happy to provide a service that facilitates that.

How Do I Redeem Apple Gift Cards?

Fire up those MacBooks, it's time to redeem some gift cards! (Image Source: Mia Baker on

In order to redeem your stack of Apple gift cards from, you're going to need an Apple account.

Odds are that you already have one of these. But just in case you don't, you can make one either by going to, or straight from all your Apple devices. You'll need it to make the most of your device and access all of the Apple services.

When you have your account established and your Apple gift card codes in-hand, you can open up the App Store, tap your profile picture, and then tap or click “Redeem Gift Card”. Type your code into the space provided, and you're golden!

Even though you redeemed your code on an Apple device, the worth of the card is applied to your Apple Wallet, which can be used at any Apple Store location, on the App Store, iTunes, and for any of the services described above. They really do make it incredibly easy, and we make it cheaper than ever to immerse yourself in the Apple ecosystem.

How Do I Check My Apple Gift Card Balance?

"Do more" while spending less money with Gameflip. (Image Source: Carl Heyerdahl on

If you want to know how much money you have left after redeeming your gift cards, you can just go to your account on or on any Apple device and check your Apple Wallet. That will show you the remaining gift card balance you have left.

If you want to check the balance of a gift card before it is redeemed, you can also go to, sign in, and use the website's search function to navigate to the appropriate page. It's important to use these features Apple has provided, since all Apple gift card holders need to beware of Apple gift card scams.

At least, they do when they buy these gift cards at most places.

When you buy Apple gift cards from Gameflip, you're protected by multiple layers of security as well as the Gameflip Guarantee, which ensures that any issues you have with an order placed through us will either be resolved or refunded.

Whether you intend to use your gift card balance for accessories, apps, games, music, or anything else Apple offers, you know we'll have your back.

Can I Buy and Sell Apple Gift Cards on Gameflip?

Your gateway to great savings. (Image Source:


Gameflip carries Apple gift cards in every denomination they are offered. Which are:

  • $25 Apple gift card

  • $50 Apple gift card

  • $100 Apple gift card

Our more than 6 million registered users take advantage of deep sales on gift cards like these every single day for all of the products, accessories, apps, games and other things they need to get their money's worth out of their Apple devices.

Now, if you're sitting on a pile of unused Apple gift cards that you'd like to make some money on, the Gameflip marketplace can also be an awesome place for you. Join our legion of sellers who make bank on our marketplace, and turn your unwanted gift cards and video game goods into real money, real fast.

Just like the buyers who make use of our services, Gameflip sellers are also protected by rules and standards that we have spent the past several years establishing.

What Makes Gameflip the Best Option for Apple Gift Cards?

We have a solid reputation, and we're just getting started. (Image Source:

When you're searching the internet for the best places to sell gift cards, used goods, or just about anything else, you're probably concerned about a few things.

1.) How much money can you make?

2.) How safe is the platform?

What makes Gameflip the best option for selling your unused Apple gift cards are the answers we have for those questions: "a lot", and "very".

You can check out our seller page here for more information, but the most important thing to know about selling on Gameflip is that we are dedicated to protecting you and your earnings. We have security features and standards that set you up for success before, during, and after every transaction. There's a reason Gameflip is so highly reviewed, and that's because we work hard to make sure our platform has the best experience for both our buyers and sellers.

Will My Apple Gift Cards Work on All Apple Products?

All you need is one card to get the best of the entire Apple ecosystem. (Image Source: Vinicius "amnx" Amano on

Whether you get your Apple gift cards from the Gameflip marketplace or from a major retailer using discounted gift cards from the Gameflip marketplace, you'll be happy to know that the balance on that card can be used on every Apple service across every Apple product.

It wasn't always this way. Not too long ago there were separate Apple Store, App Store, and iTunes gift cards. In the interest of simplification and ease of use - the things Apple has come to be known for - those three separate cards have been combined into the single Apple gift card we have today.

You can still find those other gift cards on the Gameflip marketplace, but those will still work the same as they did several years ago. All Apple gift cards are free from expiration dates, so you're in no danger of ending up with a useless code. That's why you should keep an eye out for great deals on those older cards across the Gameflip marketplace!



我们的 Gameflip 保证让您放心购买。

Gameflip 是一个简化游戏相关物品购买和销售流程的市场,确保为其社区提供安全可靠、最重要的是愉快的体验。在由来自世界各地超过 600 万用户组成的社区的支持下,游戏玩家可以买卖游戏内物品、礼品卡、收藏品、游戏等等!
Gameflip 的评价如何?
Gameflip 拥有超过 600 万用户,总体评分为 4.3 星,在应用商店上有超过 20,000 条评论。 Gameflip 在 Trustpilot 上的评分为 4.4 星,在 Sitejabber 上的评分为 4.5 星。 Gameflip 令人印象深刻的收视率不仅仅是数字。他们代表了一个蓬勃发展的游戏玩家社区,他们找到了一个致力于满足他们需求的平台。它为涉及游戏内物品、礼品卡和数字商品的交易提供了一个安全、愉快的环境。
如何在 Gameflip 上购买?
在 Gameflip 上购买既快捷又简单,最重要的是安全。您只需注册一个 Gameflip 帐户即可,快速且免费。创建帐户后,您可以浏览列表,找到您想要购买的商品的最优惠价格。 Gameflip 每天都会有数百个新商品,Gameflip 保证可确保您获得描述的商品或退款。

Read more about 购买问题.
如何在 Gameflip 上进行销售?
在 Gameflip 上销售不仅快捷而且完全免费。创建帐户后,您可以开始销售来自 Steam、PSN、Xbox、iTunes、Google Play 等的数字或实体视频游戏、游戏物品和皮肤、收藏品、礼品卡。创建详细的列表并提供合理的价格将帮助您卖得更快。买家完成订单后,销售收益将存入您的 Gameflip 钱包,您可以将其提取到银行帐户或使用它们在我们的市场中购买商品。

Read more about 销售问题.
Gameflip 保证通过确保买家收到描述的商品或退款来保护买家。它是免费的,并且可以在下订单后 3 天内使用。在多种情况下,买家可以放心地寻求 Gameflip 保证。无论是未收到物品、遇到无法按预期使用的物品,还是发现其与列表中提供的描述不符,请放心,您都有一个可以依靠的安全网。 Gameflip 全程为您提供支持,确保您的购买安全并让您安心。

Read more about Gameflip保证.
个人资料代码或邀请代码是一个 6 个字符的代码,用于识别您的帐户。使用 Gameflip 网站时,您可以通过单击您的个人资料图片和菜单上的姓名来找到它。该代码将显示在您的个人资料页面上您的照片下方“您的代码”旁边。使用 Gameflip 应用程序时,您可以通过点击“菜单”>“个人资料头像”>“您的代码”来找到它。它将出现在您的姓名下方以及您加入 Gameflip 的日期下方,旁边是“您的代码”。

Read more about 简介代码.
  1. 自动交付:一些卖家使用我们的数字金库或 Steam 机器人,可以自动快速地交付数字代码和游戏内物品。您几乎可以立即收到这些物品。
  2. 1 至 3 天送达:在某些情况下,卖家可能会选择手动送达,通常需要 1 至 3 天才能完成。

所有在 Gameflip 上购买的商品均受到 Gameflip 保证的免费保护。 Gameflip 保证确保您收到清单上描述的物品或服务或退款。自购买之日起,您将有 3 天的时间检查订单是否有任何问题。在此期间,您可以提出争议,向卖家报告问题,并在需要时将其上报给我们的支持团队。
Gameflip 退货政策是什么?
仅当收到的物品或服务无法使用或与列表描述不同时,才会退款。如果是这种情况,您将享受 Gameflip 保证。所有用户都有 3 天的时间来确定其订单是否存在任何问题并提出争议。交易一旦完成,绝对不会退货或退款。完成交易即表示您同意接受该商品并完成交易。

Read more about Gameflip Return Policy.
  1. 购买后立即:购买后且仍处于处理阶段时,您可以取消购买。
  2. 正在审核状态:如果您的订单正在接受审核并标记为“正在审核”状态,您保留取消订单的选项。
  3. 卖家交货延迟:如果卖家未在商品描述中规定的指定时间内履行订单,您可以在 12 小时宽限期后取消订单。
Read more about 取消订单.

在某些场景下可能需要进行身份验证。您仅在申请在Gameflip上进行销售时,或者在进行账户相关变更或进行频繁或大额交易时需要确认账户所有权或付款授权时,才需要验证您的身份,以遵守了解您的客户(KYC)法律和反垄断法。 - 反洗钱 (AML) 法。 KYC 是一个多步骤的过程,用于识别和确认用户的身份。 KYC 是我们必须遵守的反洗钱 (AML) 法律法规的一部分。如需详细了解我们收集的信息以及我们如何安全存储和保护您的信息,请查看我们的隐私政策
Gameflip 卖家是谁?
当谈到在 Gameflip 上销售时,我们的目标是确保为您提供简单、无忧的体验。您会发现列出待售物品是一件轻而易举的事。我们有一个简单的规则:如果它与游戏相关并且不在违禁物品列表中,那么它就是在我们的平台上列出和销售的公平游戏。我们的所有卖家都是来自 Gameflip 社区的用户,拥有经过验证的帐户,并且满足在我们的市场上列出商品和服务所需的法律要求。这确保了卖家和买家都有一个值得信赖和可靠的环境。
卖家可以选择通过我们值得信赖的付款提供商(包括 Wise、Payoneer、Skrill 和您的比特币钱包)将销售资金提取到其银行账户。


Read more about Funds Withdrawal.
Gameflip 的销售费用是多少?
我们的费用结构简单明了。一旦您的商品交付并被买家接受,Gameflip 将收取 8% 佣金以及 2% 数字费用(如果适用),并根据挂牌价格计算。这些费用支持该平台,并允许 Gameflip 保证市场对买家和卖家的安全。如果您销售更频繁,Gameflip 还提供订阅计划:Gameflip Club,这可以降低销售费用。