Thành viên từ Apr 2019
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English (Tự nhiên)Giới thiệu
📅Current Availability Schedule ☀️ 2024 CST):
⇒Monday: 10:30pm to 2:30am
⇗Tuesday: 10:30pm to 2:30am
⇒Wednesday: Most Of The Day
⇗Thursday: Most Of The Day
⇒Friday: Most Of The Day
⇗Saturday: 10:30pm to 2:30am
⇒Sunday: 10:30pm to 2:30am
⚒️⚒️NEED A SPECIFIC BUNDLE? Whether it be a bundle of legendaries, weapons to scrap for mods, junk, plans, or any combination, just shoot me a message and we can make it happen! I’m always open to offers on bundles as nothing in my shop has a set price⚒️⚒️
👋(●'◡'●)👋Hello All, I price everything in hopes of an offer. I vow to have the LOWEST PRICES. Don’t like the price of an item? No worries, let’s get it to a price you love! If your offer is more than what I think the item is worth, I will reject the higher offer and suggest a lower offer that is more reasonable as I have done countless times. I pride myself in treating buyers as I would want to be treated. I ALWAYS throw in extra stuff with each non-weapon/armor purchase to show appreciation for the love and support. I appreciate everyone who has done business with me and I hope you are enjoying your items! I hope to see you again! 💙💛💙💛
©️You will NEVER see me copying other buyers. I started on GameFlip in 2019 before most 76 sellers started and have a full time career so I don’t have the time to scout other sellers, poach items, and sell them at a hike. Not only is that unethical but it’s also a very tedious process that doesn’t interest me for the small amount of profit. Also, I make all of my listing pictures myself and provide my watermark so if you happen to see one of my pictures with someone else’s watermark on it, feel free to reach out to me and I can provide the original on the software I use and I will handle the matter accordingly. Thank you for reading 😊
🤔See a listing of mine that has a crazy high price? Never fear. I tend to set random prices on listings from time to time and as my name suggests, I consider ALL offers on ALL listings. The price shown is never the final price👍🏻
🔊PLEASE VIEW MY AVAILABILITY SCHEDULE FIRST BEFORE BUYING! Hi, I just wanted to make a quick note to ensure that you as a buyer have viewed my work schedule. I don’t want my buyers to have to purchase something and wait 24 hours to receive it. That isn’t fair to you. Thank you for reading and I look forward to seeing you in the future 👍🏻
🕝I List Most Of My Deliveries With A 2 Day Timer For Your Protection And Mine. Life Happens And Sometimes You Cannot Meet Up Within The 24 Hour Time Limit But I Can Count On One Hand How Many Times I Have Not Completed A Delivery Within 24 Hours😃
🌞California Born, Texas Bred🐮 Time Zone is Central ⏰
🛒I do not have many legacies or armor sets left. Since I don't dupe and I have a full time career, I do not have the time to scour Facebook and/or GameFlip to increase my inventory with those items but if you need high tier weapons & armor, junk, plans, etc, I'm sure I can help you out. Thank you for your understanding🤘
⛔This Scenario Has Only Happened A Couple Of Times But If I Find Out That The Buyer Who Has Purchased An Item Is A Scammer, Trap Camper, Griefer, etc, The Transaction Will Be Canceled. I Do Not Support That And No Amount Of Money In The World Will Satisfy Me Enough To Condone Those Practices. Thank You For Understanding🖤
🙏I Would Like To Personally Thank Every Buyer For Not Only 2,000+ Sales But Also For Over 2,000 Positive Reviews & Not A SINGLE Bad Review! When I Started Selling, I Would Have Never Imagined Getting To This Milestone And I Appreciate All Of The Love And Support! I Literally Couldn't Have Done It Without Each And Every One Of You! I Pride Myself On Being Courteous, Reasonably Priced, and Customer Oriented! Thank You So Much🙏
🎇Looking for something specific? Contact me! I might have it and if I do, I vow to beat any other pricing on that item💰
📱I Am The Sole Owner Of This "Shop" And It Will Always Be That Way. So You Never Have To Worry About Miscommunication Or Having To Deal With Multiple People. If You Are Conversing With "FO76 Or Best Offer", You Are Conversing With Me👍
💎As I Have Done With Every Single Purchase Since My Beginning, Junk Orders ALWAYS Come With Extra Items. Curious? Purchase One To Find Out😊
✏If It Has Been Over 30 Minutes And I Have Not Rated Or Left You A Review Yet, Please Send Me A Reminder. I Try To Make Sure That I Leave A Positive Review After Every Transaction But Sometimes I Get Overwhelmed And Do Not Get To It. So Please Remind Me If You Notice🖋
❌DUPING❌ As A 7,000+ Hour Player, I Have NEVER Been Banned And Have NEVER Duped. I Am STRONGLY Against Duping. I Would Be Perfectly Fine With It If It Actually Brought Down The Prices For Buyers Like It Should, But It Does Not Seem To Do So. Greedy Sellers Decide To Charge The Same Price Even Though They May Have 100 Of Those Items. To Me, That Is Very Unethical And Disgusting Quite Frankly. I Am Not A Fan Of Dupers Or That Kind Of Mindset. I Am For The Customer And Always Will Be!
🙌Thank You For Reading & Stopping By! If You Ever Need Anything, Just Give Me A Holler And I Will Be There As Soon As I Can! Take Care And Be Safe😄
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