Jersen (MM2 Seller)

 Jersen (MM2 Seller) 

Thành viên từ Aug 2021

Ngôn ngữ

English (Tự nhiên)

Giới thiệu

Please read everything below before buying!

My timezone is Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Please let me know if you live in a different timezone so that we can decide on a time to meet.

My General Hours (Might not be fully accurate, but it's a fair estimate):

Monday to Thursday: 6:00PM to 11:00PM

Friday: 4:00PM to 9:00PM

Saturday and Sunday: 10:00AM to 12:00AM

It is highly recommended that your account is at least Level 10 in Murder Mystery 2 before buying. This is because you need to be at least Level 10 in order to unlock trading, which is needed for me to give you your items.

Note: I will not cancel your orders.

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