

Thành viên từ Mar 2020

Ngôn ngữ

English (Thông thạo)

Giới thiệu

100% Secure, fast and reserved delivery are guaranteed.

Always online and available from 10/11am Gmt till late night every day.

Green status and usually delivery will be done in 5/30 min after receiving the order.

Offline may be need 8hrs max guaranteed, also delivery can be done at your prefer time previous according or request in order.

Always do the best to delivery your item, Simply Respectful and Fast.

Reference time for delivery :

London : 14.00 pm - 06.00 am

New York : 09.00 am - 01.00 am

Shangai : 21.00 - 13.00

Phản hồi và đánh giá

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