Tóm tắt bán hàng
Quad Flamer +25% Weapon Speed/-90%W
Pioneer Scout Backpack Plans 5in1
Backpack High Capacity Mod Plan
Prime Receiver Plans (38in1 Bundle)
Holy Fire Vampire's Flamer
Vampire's Ultracite Gatling L. V2590
Bloodied Explosive Lever Action BE25
Anti-armor Explosive 50 Cal MG 90%RW
Bloodied Explosive The Fixer BE50bs
Hunters Long Coat (AP/WWR)
Strength Legendary Mod
Vampire's Legendary Mod
Two Shot Explosive The Dragon 90rw
Rapid Legendary Mod
B/25/90 Ultracite Gatling Laser
Quad The Fixer Q2515r
Bloodied Light Machine Gun B2515r
Quad Explosive The Fixer QE25
AA/25/90 Ultracite Gatling Laser
Bloodied Bear Arm (swing speed/Str)
Bloodied Cryolator B2590 Level 50
Two Shot Explosive 50 Cal MG 90%RW
Bloodied Explosive 50 Cal BE15r
Quad Explosive Double-Barrel QE15r
Vampire's Explosive The Fixer VE90
Anti-armor Baseball Bat SS/15b
Quad 50 Cal Machine Gun Q2590 lvl50
Anti-armor Explosive Gatling AAE25
x5 Powered Legendary Mod Bundle
Legendary Mods 15in1 Bundle
Presidential "power" suit
Anti-armor Enclave Plasma AA2525
Level 1 Leather Armor (Uny/Int/WWR)