Griff | ❤️ONLINE❤️

 Griff | ❤️ONLINE❤️ 

Thành viên từ Feb 2018

Giới thiệu

I’m Pacific time zone, usually on between 10am-12am PST if it says “offline” I’m usually offline

✅I’ve fallen madly obsessed with how multifaceted this game really is; along with its ever expanding universe.

✅I believe in great transactions, never looking to take advantage of anyone. A great deal doesn’t have any losers, so let’s both walk away knowing we’re winners!!! Look forward to working with you!

🛑 Both of my neutral and 2 of 3 negative reviews came from my first couple of days on GameFlip about 9 months ago, and they were all as a buyer, none as a seller. I did not realize the expectation of some buyers’ as immediate transactions. I purchased items and wasn’t planning on receiving them for a day or so, then also due to my being new, I took about an hour or so to rate the seller’s. I wasn’t doing this intentionally, I had no idea how GameFlip worked and thought this was more or less like a company operation and clueless as to what the expectations were. This, in part, is why I try to be as accommodating as possible to newer and less experienced folks. If someone would have explained to me what was expected instead of just giving reviews with no messages/descriptions, the whole mess would have never happened and all parties would be better off for it.

My other negative review came from a purchase of my white octane that I cancelled due to the buyer having no history on GameFlip... I would handle the situation much differently now, but at the time I was fairly inexperienced and especially nervous about selling my first “big” item. Now I understand how to protect myself from potential scammers and my protections/precautions as a seller. At the time, the following was my reasoning for the cancelation (as I said, I’d of handled this differently now and would have delivered):

“I didn’t see any reviews from purchasing or selling. I don’t want to accuse anyone of being a scammer, but for my own protection with a sale of over $100, I’d feel more comfortable selling to someone whom had a positive history. I apologized about the ordeal and hoped for some understanding. I’m not entirely sure if the review came from this person or not, as the name didn’t match the purchaser.”

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