Valhalla Hills [steam key]

$0.75 USD
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You spend your whole life trying to please the gods. You fight and die the death of the brave. And now just imagine! The poor Vikings stand before the gates of Asgard, expecting that they will be allowed into Valhalla. But ungrateful gods are not going to give them a well-deserved reward and close the gates right in front of them.

But a real Viking never gives up. If it is impossible to get to Valhalla in a traditional way, why not just go there? However, the Vikings, who are usually quite strong, do not seem to cope with the dangerous and difficult life in the mountains. Look after your Vikings, collect food, cut down the forest and take care of the welfare of your small but growing population. Get to the portal on top of the hills - this is the only chance to help the Vikings get their deserved reward.

As in classic building strategies, the Valhalla Hills game needs to increase the productivity of the Vikings, creating an efficient and balanced economic system.

Các câu hỏi được công khai và do người dùng đặt ra chứ không phải Gameflip. Giữ an toàn bằng cách không chia sẻ thông tin cá nhân như tên, thông tin thanh toán và tài khoản nền tảng trò chơi của bạn.

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