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Release on 2016-07-25

Headlander is a retro-futuristic, side scrolling, action-adventure game set in a world inspired by 70’s science fiction. It is a world of automation, a utopia gone wrong in which all of humanity have transferred their minds into robotic imposter bodies and are ruled by a deranged computer. It’s being published by Adult Swim, and has Stacking’s Lee Petty at the helm here on the good ship Double Fine.

You are the last known human in the universe, and all that’s left of you is a disembodied head. Seeking clues to your fractured past, you must travel through a hostile world of machines, using a special helmet that allows you to dock into and take control of any robotic host body. As you launch from one body to the next, you’ll start to discover that things are not quite what they appear to be, and the fate of humanity has yet to be decided…

Các câu hỏi được công khai và do người dùng đặt ra chứ không phải Gameflip. Giữ an toàn bằng cách không chia sẻ thông tin cá nhân như tên, thông tin thanh toán và tài khoản nền tảng trò chơi của bạn.

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