Grind Stormer

$3.00 USD
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Grind Stormer is a vertically scrolling space shoot ‘em up originally developed by Toaplan. The game is an early manic shooter with plenty of bullets coming at the player, a concept that was further developed in Batsugun and eventually led to the bullet hell shoot ‘em ups. The barrage of bullets makes Grind Stormer a very hard game even for the shmup veterans used to a challenge. Newcomers can utilize the new easy mode, rewind, and quick save to learn and progress.

The Japanese version of the game, called V・V (pronounced V Five), features a selectable power-up system with gauges, providing a strategic gameplay element where the key to success is to use the appropriate weapon for each level and enemy encounter. By collecting rhombus items the player can choose between different weapons similar to the Toaplan classic Slap Fight. The international version of Grind Stormer simplifies gameplay by eliminating the selective power-up system and replacing it with instant power-ups based on item acquisition.

Grind Stormer was created by an all-star team that would after their tenure at Toaplan continue their careers in the games industry.

Các câu hỏi được công khai và do người dùng đặt ra chứ không phải Gameflip. Giữ an toàn bằng cách không chia sẻ thông tin cá nhân như tên, thông tin thanh toán và tài khoản nền tảng trò chơi của bạn.

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