Trò chơi¤[New & Improved]¤ Strongest Shiny 7th Gen Alola Starters Pokemon Sun and Moon 3DS Nintendo Alolan Aloha
¤[New & Improved]¤ Strongest Shiny 7th Gen Alola Starters Pokemon Sun and Moon 3DS Nintendo Alolan Aloha

1 year ago

This is a premium pack for all three Alolan Starters for Sun and Moon! You will receive SHINY Rowlet, Litten and Popplio at level 5. They have the most beneficial competitive nature, 6IVs, properly EV trained and strong movesets with egg moves they don't normally learn! They are also holding very useful items: Lucky Egg (increases the EXP you gain by 50%), Amulet Coin (doubles the money you earn in battle!) and Leftovers (heals your Pokemon every turn).
- Rowlet (Adamant / +10% Atk, -10% Special Atk) The attack stats for his final evolution is the highest. His signature move Spirit Shackle also relies on his attacking stats. His best final moveset will also be physical: Brave Bird, Leaf Blade, Spirit Shackle & Sucker Punch.
- Litten (Adamant / +10% Atk, -10% Special Atk) The attack stats for his final evolution is the highest. His signature move Darkest Lariat is a move that relies on his attack stats. His best final moveset will also be physical: Darkest Lariat, Flare Blitz, Outrage & Cross Chop.
- Popplio (Modest / +10% Speical Atk, -10% Atk) The special attack stats for his final evolution is the highest. His signature move Sparkling Aria is a move that depends on the special attack for damage. His best final moveset is Sparkling Aria, Moonblast, Ice Beam & Energy Ball.
Right after your purchase, we will exchange friend codes/in game names and schedule a time for the transfer. (Will often times be available immediately after the purchase.) **If you are unsure how this process goes, please ask and I will gladly walk you through it.** I am the best and most reliable seller to purchase from, but don't take my word for it, check out my perfect ratings & reviews to see what 1000+ customers have said!
*Please note that all transfers are recorded for documentation so that the seller, buyer and Gameflip has proof.*
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